Mac OS – Repair volume and disks via command line (terminal app)

To Repair the volumes and disks via command line there are a few easy to use commands:
Open the Terminal App.

  1. Volumes
    1. Verify volumes
      1. check all volumes: diskutil verifyvolume / 
      2. check a specific volume: diskutil verifyvolume /volumes/[volume name]   example diskutil verifyvolume /volumes/macos
    2. repair disks
      1. repair all volumes: diskutil repairvolume /
      2. repair a specific volume: diskutil repairvolume /volumes/[volume name] example diskutil repairvolume /volumes/macos
  2. Disks
    1. Verify the disks
      1. check all disks: diskutil verifydisk /
      2. check a specific disk: diskutil verifydisk /dev/[disk number] example diskutil verifydisk /dev/disk0
    2. Repair disks
      1. repair all disks: diskutil repairdisk /
      2. repair a specific disk: diskutil repairdisk /dev/[disk number] example diskutil repairdisk /dev/disk0

With these simple commands you can check the health status of your volumes and disks and if needed repair them.
These commands also work in the recovery mode.
But you have to use sudo in front of it to get access to the disks or volumes

Windows – Supportscript for needed IT infos

For my job its important to get fast informations from users.
Most of them are always the same.
What is your actual IP address, whats your Hostname, do you have local admin rights, which networkprinters are connected and so on.
To get these Information fast and without explain the user every time how to get these Informations, I build a script for it.
This script will be added via GPO to every user’s startmenu.
This should work on all clients with PowerShell 3 installed.
This is what I build with Powershell.
First I added some variables for the actual date:
$vdate = get-date -Format d
After that I added a varibale for the path of the logfile and check if the file exists and if it exists to telete it:
$FileName = "C:\Users\" + [Environment]::UserName + "\Desktop\" + [Environment]::UserName +"_" + $vdate + ".txt"
if (Test-Path $FileName) {
Remove-Item $FileName

If you use DELL devices in your company, it’s important to have the Serial (ServiceTag) and the Express Service Code.
To get the Express Service Code (will be calculated from the Service Tag Value) I added a function to my script:
Function Get-ExpressServiceCode {
$ServiceTag = (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Bios).serialnumber
$Length = $ServiceTag.Length
For ($CurrentChar = $Length; $CurrentChar -ge 0; $CurrentChar--) {
$Out = $Out + [int64](([Math]::Pow(36, ($CurrentChar - 1)))*($Base.IndexOf($ServiceTag[($Length - $CurrentChar)])))

Now I added the Powershell command to receive the Hostname and write it to the Logfile:
$CN = "01. Hostname: "
$CN += get-content env:computername
$CN >> $FileName

Next, I added a script to check the local active IPv4 addresses and check if one of these is an IP out of our VPN range (change to your IP Range):
$ip=get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration|Where {$_.Ipaddress.length -gt 1}
$d = $ip.ipaddress[0]
$ip |foreach {
if($ip.VALUE -like "*")
{ $d = $ip.VALUE}
$ip = "02. IP-Address: "
$ip += $d
$ip >> $FileName

Now I added a script that checks if the User which is logged on have local admin rights and write the result in the logfile:
$LA ="03. Local Adminrights: no"
if(([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
{$LA ="03. Local Adminrights: yes"}
$LA >> $FileName

Next step is to check the Vendor, the Model, ServiceTag and Express Service Code of your Client:
$vendor = "04. Vendor: "
$vendor += (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Bios).Manufacturer
$vendor >> $FileName
$vModel = "05. Model: "
$vModel += (Get-WmiObject -Class:Win32_ComputerSystem).Model
$vModel >> $FileName
$Service = "06. Service tag: "
$Service += (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Bios).serialnumber
$Service >> $FileName
$vESCode = "07. Express Service Code: "
$vESCode += (Get-ExpressServiceCode)
$vESCode >> $FileName

After that we add some code to get our actual BIOS Version:
$Bios = "08. Bios Version: "
$Bios += (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Bios).SMBIOSBIOSVersion
$Bios >> $FileName

The next Script will show the connected Printers including the Servername and the UNC Path of the Printer:
"09. connected network printers" >> $FileName
$Printer = Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Printer| where {$_.Location.length -gt 1}
$Printer |foreach {
$prnName = "Name: "
$prnName += $_.ShareName
$prnName >> $FileName
$prnServer = "Printserver: "
$prnServer += $_.SystemName
$prnServer >> $FileName
$linkprn = "Link: "
$linkprn += $_.SystemName + "\" + $_.ShareName
$linkprn >> $FileName
" " >> $FileName

Now we have to theck the connected network shares:
"10. connected networkshares" >> $FileName
$vitns = Get-WmiObject -class "Win32_MappedLogicalDisk"
$vitns | foreach {
$vitnsnp = $_.Name + " " + $_.ProviderName
$vitnsnp >> $FileName
" " >> $FileName

The last script we add is a list of users and groups who are members of the local admin Group.
I added this one because I want to see all members too and a separate entry for the local user.
"11. members of local administrators group" >> $FileName
net localgroup administrators | where {$_ -AND $_ -notmatch "command completed successfully"} | select -skip 4 >> $FileName
$Delete = Get-Content $Filename
$del = "Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgefhrt."
$Delete = $Delete | Where {$_ -ne $del}
$Delete | Out-File $FileName -Force

To Open the file, we just add the invoke-item command to the script:
Invoke-Item $FileName
Youre done.
The Result of this is good for our support.
Maybe you can use some of these scripts for yours 🙂

01. Hostname: NB0815
02. IP-Address:
03. Local Adminrights: yes
04. Vendor: Dell Inc.
05. Model: Latitude E7440
06. Service tag: xxxx
07. Express Service Code: 123456789
08. Bios Version: A10
09. connected network printers
Name: PRN1234
Printserver: \\SRV0001
Link: \\SRV0001\PRN1234
Name: PRN456
Printserver: \\SRV0001
Link: \\SRV0001\PRN456
10. connected networkshares
H: \\Domain.local\dfs$\Data
U: \\Domain.local\dfs$\home\username
11. members of local administrators group
domain.local\Domain Admins

I think I will add some more options for this in the future.
Have fun with it…

OSX – Force shutdown of a MacBook Air or Retina

To force shutdown a MacBook without the eject Key, you can use the following keys:
Command + Control + Option + Power button
After a few seconds, your MacBook will shutdown and you can restart it with pressing the power button.
A force shutdown could be helpful if your MacBook won’t work after falling into sleepmode.
Before you do this, you should try to force quit applications by pushing this keys:
Command + Option + Esc

Windows – Permission commands

Here are a few useful commands to setup Windows file permissions.
take ownership of a folder(including files and subfolders)
Takeown /f foldername /r /d y
reset permission of folder (including all files and subfolders) to inherit
Icacls folder /reset /T
disable inheritance for a folder
icacls Folder/inheritance:d
Set read permission for AD group on folder and subfolder
Icalcs Folder /grant domain\Groupname:(OI)(CI)RX /T
Set modify permission for AD group on folder and subfolder
Icalcs Folder /grant domain\Groupname:(OI)(CI)M /T
Set listing permission for AD group to this folder only
Icacls Folder /grant domain\group:(X,RD)
Remove Permission from Folder and subfolder
Icacls folder /remove domain\group

OSX – OSX Installation on USB Device

If your OSX Installation won’t  start it may be important to have an USB Stick with a full installation of OSX.
Its easy to create one.
You will need an USB Device with more than 16 GB storage and an IntelMac with OSX 10.7 and newer.
After you achieve all requirements you  have to follow a few steps.
First you will have to format your USB Device.
Insert the USB flash drive into your Mac.
Launch Disk Utility, located at /Applications/Utilities/.
Select the USB flash drive device.
Click the Partition tab.
Select 1 Partition from the Volume drop down list.
Enter a name for your USB Device.
Select Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) from the dropdown menu.
Click on Options.
Choose  GUID Partition Table from the list of available partition types and click OK.

If you’re sure to delete all Data please click Apply.
A message box opens and want that you will erase all data from the device.
After this click on Partition.
Quit Disk Utility.
Now you have to enable Ownership of your USB Device.
To do this you will have to open the Finder select the USB Device on the left site.
Now open the Information Windows of the Device by selecting it and press CMD + I

Now click on the icon in the right bottom corner in the Sharing and Permissions section and enter your admin password.
Now remove the check mark from Ignore ownership on this volume.
Close the Information Windows.
Now the USB Device will be listed as a volume in the Installation Window.
Reboot your Mac, press the Option Key after you hear the start sound and choose your Recovery Partition to install OSX on your USB Device.

OSX 10.9 – Character Viewer

With OSX Mavericks Apple completely redesigned the character viewer.
You now can open it in every APP with the Keyboard Shortcut CMD + Control + Space

Windows – Powershell Command to remove/add Printers

To remove / add printers and their drivers in Microsoft Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012 via Powershell you can find here some examples of Powershell commands:
Remove Network printers:
(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).RemovePrinterConnection("\\Server\Printer")
Add Network printers:
(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).AddWindowsPrinterConnection("Server\Printer")
remove specific driver
Remove-PrinterDriver –Name "Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4"
This will remove exact the Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4 Driver.
If you want to remove all Drivers from Canon for example use this command:
Remove-PrinterDriver –Name "Canon"