Permission setup commands

Here are a few useful commands to setup Windows file permissions.

Take Ownership of a folder(including files and subfolders)
Takeown /f foldername /r /d y

Reset Permission of folder(including all files and subfolders) to Inherit
Icacls folder /reset /T

disable inheritance for a
icacls Folder/inheritance:d

Set read permission for AD group on folder and subfolder
Icalcs Folder /grant domain\Groupname:(OI)(CI)RX /T

Set modify permission for AD group on folder and subfolder
Icalcs Folder /grant domain\Groupname:(OI)(CI)M /T

Set listing permission to this folder only
Icacls Folder /grant domain\group:(X,RD)

Remove Permission from Folder and subfolder
Icacls folder /remove domain\group

Powershell Scripts for IT Support

I just started a new project at work.
Finding and creating useful Powershell scripts for IT Support.
My Problem is to find good sources who explain this for me.
So I bought me two books for self study.

I will start with some easy scripts and continue with more powerful ones.

Actually I have a problem to create scripts for Windows 7 and PS 2.0 .
It’s so much easier to create PS 3.0 scripts but most of the clients are actually Windows 7.

So if I finished some of these scripts, you will find them in the tutorials section.

If you have good sources for PowerShell Scripts or selfstudy websites, please leave me a comment.

Synology – Diskstation – PXE Boot

Today I finished the first PXE Options for my Synology.

I configured the PXE Options in my Diskstation added some Bootmanager files and set up three Boot Images.
1 – C’T Desinfect 2013 to scan and clean Viruses / Trojans directly without any Boot DVDs or USB Sticks
2 – DART 8.1 64 BIT – To use DART Tools from Microsoft for 64 Bit OS installations
3 – DART 8.1 32 BIT – To use DART Tools from Microsoft for 32 Bit OS installations

I will create the Tutorial in the next few days and I will add the Bootmanager files and the PXE Config to it.
You only have to get the DART Tools and the C’T Desinfect 2013.

Here you will find my tutorial to this project:


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