OSX – Commands for Web Site Management

1. host
If you need to find out the IP of a domain, type
host apple.de
apple.de has address
apple.de has address

2. whois
You can use whois to quickly find if a domain name exists and its registrar information.
whois apple.com
[Querying whois.verisign-grs.com]
Whois Server Version 2.0
Domain Name: CLOUDSY.COM
Registrar: ENOM, INC.
Whois Server: whois.enom.com
Referral URL: http://www.enom.com
Name Server: NS1.CLOUDSY.COM
Name Server: NS2.CLOUDSY.COM
Status: ok
Updated Date: 28-mar-2009
Creation Date: 25-mar-2009
Expiration Date: 25-mar-2010

3. passwd
If your web host gave you SSH access, you can use it to do simple things in your account like quickly changing your password.
passwd yourusername
Changing password for user yourusername.
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

4. cd – Navigate to your Desktop
cd /users/yourusername/Desktop
Navigate in a web server
cd /home/yourusername/public_html/site
5. mkdir – Make a new directory
mkdir Photos
6. mv – Move a file into a folder
mv IMG_8151.JPG Photos

Windows – Powershell Commands

   Get-Acl                    Get permission settings for a file or registry key
   Set-Acl                    Set permissions
   Get-Alias            gal   Return alias names for Cmdlets
   Import-Alias        ipal   Import an alias list from a file
   New-Alias            nal   Create a new alias.
   Set-Alias            sal   Create or change an alias
   Get-AuthenticodeSignature  Get the signature object associated with a file
   Set-AuthenticodeSignature  Place a signature in a .ps1 script or other file
   Set-Location  cd/chdir/sl  Set the current working location
   Get-ChildItem   dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
   Get-Command          gcm   Retrieve basic information about a command
   Measure-Command            Measure running time
   Trace-Command              Trace an expression or command
   Add-Content           ac   Add to the content of the item
   Get-Content   cat/type/gc  Get content from item (specific location)
   Set-Content           sc   Set content in the item (specific location)
   Clear-Content        clc   Remove content from a file/item
   ConvertTo-Html             Convert the input into an HTML table
   ConvertFrom-SecureString   Convert a secure string into an encrypted standard string
   ConvertTo-SecureString     Convert an encrypted standard string into a secure string
   Clear-Host      clear/cls  Clear the screen
   Clear-Item           cli   Remove content from a variable or an alias
   Copy-Item     copy/cp/cpi  Copy an item from a namespace location
   Get-Credential             Get a security credential (username/password)
   Get-Culture                Get region information (language and keyboard layout)
   Get-ChildItem   dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
   Get-Date                   Get current date and time
   Set-Date                   Set system time on the host system
   Get-PSDrive          gdr   Get drive information (DriveInfo)
   New-PSDrive      mount/ndr Install a new drive on the machine
   Remove-PSDrive       rdr   Remove a provider/drive from its location
   Get-Eventlog               Get eventlog data
   Get-ExecutionPolicy        Get the execution policy for the shell
   Set-ExecutionPolicy        Change the execution policy (user preference)
   Export-Alias         epal  Export an alias list to a file
   Export-Clixml              Produce a clixml representation of powershell objects
   Export-Console             Export console configuration to a file
   Export-Csv          epcsv  Export to Comma Separated Values (spreadsheet)
   Invoke-Expression          Run a PowerShell expression
   Exit                       Exit Powershell
   ForEach-Object    foreach  Loop for each object in the pipeline
   ForEach                    Loop through values in the pipeline
   Format-Custom         fc   Format output using a customized view
   Format-List           fl   Format output as a list of properties, each on a new line
   Format-Table          ft   Format output as a table
   Format-Wide           fw   Format output as a table listing one property only
   Get-Item              gi   Get a file/registry object (or any other namespace object)
   Get-ChildItem   dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
   Get-Help            help   Open the help file
   Add-History                Add entries to the session history
   Get-History  history/h/ghy Get a listing of the session history
   Invoke-History     r/ihy   Invoke a previously executed Cmdlet
   Get-Host                   Get host information
   Clear-Host      clear/cls  Clear the screen
   Read-Host                  Read a line of input from the host console
   Write-Host                 Display objects through the host user interface
   if                         Conditionally perform a command
   Import-Clixml              Import a clixml file and rebuild the PS object
   Import-Csv         ipcsv   Take values from a CSV list and send objects down the pipeline.
   Get-Item              gi   Get a file object or get a registry (or other namespace) object
   Invoke-Item           ii   Invoke an executable or open a file (START)
   New-Item              ni   Create a new item in a namespace
   Remove-Item  rm/del/erase/rd/ri/rmdir   Remove an item
   Set-Item              si   Change the value of an item
   Clear-ItemProperty         Delete the value of a property
   Copy-ItemProperty          Copy a property along with its value
   Get-ItemProperty           Retrieve the properties of an object
   Move-ItemProperty          Move a property from one location to another
   New-ItemProperty           Set a new property of an item at a location
   Remove-ItemProperty        Delete the property and its value from an item
   Rename-ItemProperty        Rename a property of an item
   Set-ItemProperty           Set the value of a property
   Stop-Process    kill/spps  Stop a running process
   Get-Location    pwd / gl   Get and display the current location
   Pop-Location        popd   Set the current working location from the stack
   Push-Location      pushd   Push a location to the stack
   Set-Location  cd/chdir/sl  Set the current working location
   Add-Member                 Add a member to an instance of a PowerShell object
   Get-Member            gm   Enumerate the properties of an object
   Move-Item      move/mv/mi  Move an item from one location to another
   Compare-Object             Compare the properties of objects
   Group-Object       group   Group the objects that contain the same value for a common property
   Measure-Object             Measure the properties of an object
   New-Object                 Create a new .Net object
   Select-Object     select   Select properties of objects.
   Sort-Object         sort   Sort objects by property value
   Where-Object               Filter the objects passed along the command pipeline.
   Out-Default                Send output to default
   Out-File                   Send command output to a file
   Out-Host              oh   Send the pipelined output to the host
   Out-Null                   Send output to null
   Out-Printer           lp   Send the output to a printer
   Out-String                 Send objects to the host as strings
   Powershell                 Launch a powershell session
   Convert-Path        cvpa   Convert a ps path to a provider path
   Join-Path                  Combine a path and child-path
   Resolve-Path        rvpa   Resolves the wildcards in a path
   Split-Path                 Return part of a path
   Test-Path                  Return true if the path exists, otherwise return false
   Get-Pfxcertificate         Get pfx certificate information
   Pop-Location        popd   Set the current working location from the stack
   Push-Location      pushd   Push a location to the stack
   Get-Process       ps/gps   Get a list of processes on a machine
   Stop-Process    kill/spps  Stop a running process
   Clear-ItemProperty   clp   Remove the property value from a property
   Copy-ItemProperty    cpp   Copy a property along with it's value
   Get-ItemProperty      gp   Retrieve the properties of an object
   Move-ItemProperty     mp   Move a property from one location to another
   New-ItemProperty           Set a new property
   Remove-ItemProperty   rp   Remove a property and its value
   Rename-ItemProperty  rnp   Renames a property at its location
   Set-ItemProperty      sp   Set a property at the specified location to a specified value
   Get-PsProvider             Get information for the specified provider
   Set-PSdebug                Turn script debugging on or off
   Add-PsSnapIn               Add snap-ins to the console
   Get-PsSnapin               List PowerShell snap-ins on this computer
   Remove-PSSnapin            Remove PowerShell snap-ins from the console
   Read-Host                  Read a line of input from the host console
   Remove-Item  rm/del/erase/rd/ri/rmdir   Remove an item
   Rename-Item      ren/rni   Change the name of an existing item
   Rename-ItemProperty        Rename a property of an item
   Get-Service          gsv   Get a list of services
   New-Service                Create a new service
   Restart-Service            Stop and then restart a service
   Resume-Service             Resume a suspended service
   Set-Service                Change the start mode/properties of a service
   Sort-Object         sort   Sort objects by property value
   Start-Service       sasv   Start a stopped service
   Stop-Service        spsv   Stop a running service
   Suspend-Service            Suspend a running service
   Start-Sleep        sleep   Suspend shell, script, or runspace activity
   Select-String              Search through strings or files for patterns
   Tee-Object                 Send input objects to two places
   New-Timespan               Create a timespan object
   Trace-Command              Trace an expression or command
   Get-Tracesource            Get components that are instrumented for tracing.
   Set-Tracesource            Trace a PowerShell component
   Start-Transcript           Start a transcript of a command shell session
   Stop-Transcript            Stop the transcription process
   Get-Uiculture              Get the ui culture information
   Get-Unique            gu   Get the unique items in a collection
   Update-Formatdata          Update and append format data files
   Update-Typedata            Update the current extended type configuration
   Clear-Variable       clv   Remove the value from a variable
   Get-Variable          gv   Get a powershell variable
   New-Variable          nv   Create a new variable
   Remove-Variable       rv   Remove a variable and its value
   Set-Variable      set/sv   Set a variable and a value
   Where-Object       where   Filter input from the pipeline
   While (condition) {action} else {action}
   Get-WMIobject              Get WMI class information
   Write-Debug                Write a debug message to the host display
   Write-Error                Write an object to the error pipeline.
   Write-Output        echo   Write an object to the pipeline
   Write-Progress             Display a progress bar
   Write-Verbose              Write a string to the host's verbose display
   Write-Warning              Write a warning message
   #                          Comment / Remark


OSX – Terminal Commands

OSX – Terminal Commands

alias     Create an alias
alloc     List used and free memory
awk       Find and Replace text within file(s)
basename  Convert a full pathname to just a folder path
bash      Bourne-Again SHell (Linux)
bless     Set volume bootability and startup disk options.
break     Exit from a loop
cal       Display a calendar
case      Conditionally perform a command
cat       Display the contents of a file
cd        Change Directory
chflags   Change a file or folder's flags.
chgrp     Change group ownership
chmod     Change access permissions
chown     Change file owner and group
chroot    Run a command with a different root directory
cksum     Print CRC checksum and byte counts
clear     Clear terminal screen
cmp       Compare two files
comm      Compare two sorted files line by line
complete  Edit a command completion [word/pattern/list]
continue  Resume the next iteration of a loop
cp        Copy one or more files to another location
cron      Daemon to execute scheduled commands
crontab   Schedule a command to run at a later date/time
cut       Divide a file into several parts
date      Display or change the date & time
dc        Desk Calculator
dd        Data Dump - Convert and copy a file
defaults  The Mac OS X user defaults system.
df        Display free disk space
diff      Display the differences between two files
diff3     Show differences among three files
dig       DNS lookup
dirname   Convert a full pathname to just a path
dirs      Display list of remembered directories
diskutil  Disk utilities - Format, Verify, Repair
ditto     Copy files and folders
dot_clean Remove dot-underscore files
dscacheutil Query or flush the Directory Service/DNS cache
dscl      Directory Service command line utility
du        Estimate file space usage
echo      Display message on screen
ed        A line-oriented text editor (edlin)
enable    Stop or start printers and classes.
env       Set environment and run a utility
eval      Evaluate several commands/arguments
exec      Execute a command
exit      Exit the shell
expect    Programmed dialogue with interactive programs
          Also see AppleScript
expand    Convert tabs to spaces
expr      Evaluate expressions
false     Do nothing, unsuccessfully
fdisk     Partition table manipulator for Darwin UFS/HFS/DOS
find      Search for files that meet a desired criteria
fmt       Reformat paragraph text
fold      Wrap text to fit a specified width
for       Expand words, and execute commands
foreach   Loop, expand words, and execute commands
fsck      Filesystem consistency check and repair
fsaclctl  Filesystem enable/disable ACL support
fs_usage  Filesystem usage (process/pathname)
ftp       Internet file transfer program
GetFileInfo Get attributes of HFS+ files
getopt    Parse positional parameters
goto      Jump to label and continue execution
grep      Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
groups    Print group names a user is in
gzip      Compress or decompress files
head      Display the first lines of a file
hdiutil   Manipulate iso disk images
history   Command History
hostname  Print or set system name
id        Print user and group names/id's
if        Conditionally perform a command
info      Help info
install   Copy files and set attributes
jobs      List active jobs
join      Join lines on a common field
kextfind  List kernel extensions
kill      Stop a process from running
l         List files in long format (ls -l)
ll        List files in long format, showing invisible files (ls -la)
less      Display output one screen at a time
ln        Make links between files (hard links, symbolic links)
locate    Find files
logname   Print current login name
login     log into the computer
logout    Exit a login shell (bye)
lpr       Print files
lprm      Remove jobs from the print queue
lpstat    Printer status information
ls        List information about file(s)
lsbom     List a bill of materials file
lsof      List open files
man       Help manual
mkdir     Create new folder(s)
mkfifo    Make FIFOs (named pipes)
more      Display output one screen at a time
mount     Mount a file system
mv        Move or rename files or directories
net       Manage network resources
networksetup Network and System Preferences
nice      Set the priority of a command
nohup     Run a command immune to hangups
onintr    Control the action of a shell interrupt
open      Open a file/folder/URL/Application
osascript Execute AppleScript
passwd    Modify a user password
paste     Merge lines of files
pbcopy    Copy data to the clipboard
pbpaste   Paste data from the Clipboard
pico      Simple text editor
ping      Test a network connection
pkgutil   List installed packages
pmset     Power Management settings
popd      Restore the previous value of the current directory
pr        Convert text files for printing
printenv  Print environment variables
printf    Format and print data
ps        Process status
pushd     Save and then change the current directory
pwd       Print Working Directory
quota     Display disk usage and limits
rcp       Copy files between machines.
repeat    Execute a command multiple times
rm        Remove files
rmdir     Remove folder(s)
rpm       Remote Package Manager
rsync     Remote file copy - Sync file tree (also RsyncX)
say       Convert text to audible speech
sched     Schedule a command to run at a later time.
screen    Multiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh
screencapture Capture screen image to file or disk
sdiff     Merge two files interactively
security  Administer Keychains, keys, certificates and the Security framework
sed       Stream Editor
set       Set a shell variable = value
setenv    Set an environment variable = value
setfile   Set attributes of HFS+ files
shift     Shift positional parameters
shutdown  Shutdown or restart OS X
sleep     Delay for a specified time
softwareupdate System software update tool
sort      Sort text files
split     Split a file into fixed-size pieces
stop      Stop a job or process
su        Substitute user identity
sudo      Execute a command as another user
sum       Print a checksum for a file
switch    Conditionally perform a command
systemsetup Computer and display system settings
tail      Output the last part of files
tar       Tape ARchiver
tee       Redirect output to multiple files
test      Condition evaluation
textutil  Manipulate text files in various formats
time      Measure Program Resource Use
touch     Change file timestamps
traceroute Trace Route to Host
tr        Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
true      Do nothing, successfully
tty       Print filename of terminal on stdin
type      Describe a command
umask     Users file creation mask
umount    a device
unalias   Remove an alias
uname     Print system information
unexpand  Convert spaces to tabs
uniq      Uniquify files
units     Convert units from one scale to another
unset     Remove variable or function names
unsetenv  Remove environment variable
users     Print login names of users currently logged in
uuencode  Encode a binary file
uudecode  Decode a file created by uuencode
vi        Text Editor
wc        Print byte, word, and line counts
where     Report all known instances of a command
which     Locate a program file in the user's path
while     Execute commands
who       Print all usernames currently logged on
whoami    Print the current user id and name (`id -un')
xargs     Execute utility - passing arguments
yes       Print a string until interrupted



OSX – Force unmount Disk terminal command

To force unmount a OSX Disk with a terminal command please open Terminal.APP from your Applications folder.
Enter the following command:
sudo diskutil unmount force /volumes/volumename
After this command you have to enter your admin password and the Disk is unmounted.

Windows 7 – Installation via USB Stick

Zum Installieren von Windows 7 via USB Stick muss der USB Stick Bootbar gemacht werden.
Es wird ein Windows Computer mit Windows 7 oder Windows Vista benötigt.
Der USB Stick muss mindestens 4GB haben und an dem Computer angeschlossen sein.
Einlegen einer Windows 7 Installations DVD
Dies geht wie folgt:
1. Öffnen der Eingabeaufforderung:
Startmenu öffnen und im Suchfeld (nur Vista oder Win7) CMD eingeben und mit Enter bestätigen
Windowstaste + “R” gleichzeitig drücken und dann CMD eingeben und mit Enter bestätigen

2. In der Eingabeaufforderung DISKPART eingeben und mit Enter bestätigen

3. LIST Disk eingeben und mit Enter bestätigen
4. in der Übersicht den USB Stick raussuchen

Bei mir ist es Datenträger 1 also DISK 1
5. select disk 1 (oder sel disk 1 für Schreibfaule) eingeben und mit Enter bestätigen
6. nun alle Fettgedruckten Befehle nach und nach eingeben und jeweils mit Enter bestätigen (bitte bei der Eingabe der Befehle auf Gross- und Kleinschreibung achten)
Die Formatierung dauert etwas…
7. Nun gibt man folgenden Befehl ein:
d: (Falls das DVD Laufwerk den Laufwerksbuchstaben D hat ansonsten abändern)
cd boot
bootsect.exe /NT60 H:
 (hier auch wieder beachten das H: der Laufwerksbuchstabe des USB Sticks ist)
8. Kopieren des gesamten Inhalts der Windows 7 Installations DVD auf den USB Stick.
9. Gerät via USB Stick booten und mit der Installation beginnen.

OSX – Boot Shortcuts

Boot options
While starting press the following keys:
Option – lists all bootable drives
D – Apple Hardware Diagnostic will start
N – Boot from Network
C – Start from bootable media
X – Force Mac OSX startup
T – Boot in FireWire Mode
CMD + R – Use Recovery
CMD + Option + P + R – Reset NVRAM / parameter RAM
CMD + V – Start in Verbose Mode
Shift – Secure Boot (Foldercheck / disabled unneeded Plugins)

OSX – Reset SMC (System Management Controller) on Intel Based Macs

Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)

Before Resetting the SMC
Try each of the following steps in this order before you reset the SMC. Test the issue after completing each troubleshooting step to determine if the issue still occurs.

  1. Press Command + Option + Escape to force quit any application that is not responding.
  2. Put your Mac to sleep by choosing the Apple (?) menu from the upper-left menu bar and then choosing Sleep. Wake the computer after it has gone to sleep.
  3. Restart your Mac by choosing the Apple (?) menu from the upper-left menu bar and then choosing Restart.
  4. Shut down your Mac by choosing the Apple (?) menu from the upper-left menu bar and then choosing ShutDown.

If your Mac appears to be running normally but isn’t responding, force the computer to shut down by pressing and
holding the power button for 10 seconds. Note: You will lose any unsaved work in any open applications. For Mac portables experiencing issues related to the MagSafe power adapter and/or battery, try:
1. Unplug the MagSafe power adapter from the Mac and the wall power socket for several seconds.
2. Shutdown the Mac. Physically remove and re-insert the battery (if it’s removable) and startup the Mac.
If the issue is still not resolved after following the troubleshooting items above, an SMC reset may be necessary.
After performing normal troubleshooting, these symptoms may indicate that an SMC reset may be necessary:
The computer’s fans run at high speed although the computer is not experiencing heavy usage and is properly ventilated.
The keyboard backlight appears to behave incorrectly (on Mac computers that have this feature).
The Status Indicator Light (SIL) appears to behave incorrectly (on Mac computers that have an SIL).
Battery indicator lights, if present, appear to behave incorrectly (on portables that use non-removable batteries). The display backlight doesn’t respond correctly to ambient light changes on Mac computers that have this feature.

The computer doesn’t respond to the power button when pressed.
A portable Mac doesn’t appear to respond properly when you close or open the lid. The computer sleeps or shuts down unexpectedly.
The battery does not appear to be charging properly.
The MagSafe power adaptor LED doesn’t appear to indicate the correct activity.
System Performance
The computer is running unusually slowly although it is not experiencing abnormally high CPU utilization. Application icons may “bounce” in the Dock for an extended amount of time when launched.
Applications may not function correctly or may stop responding after being opened.
A computer that supports target display mode does not switch into or out of target display mode as expected. A computer that supports target display mode switches into or out of target display mode at unexpected times.

Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
Resetting the SMC on Mac portables with a battery you can  remove

Windows – Script to remove Printers including their drivers

Open CMD (no local Admin permissions needed!)
To remove the printer from a client enter the following command:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /q /gd /dn /n\\Servername\Printername
To remove the driver from a client use the following command:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /q /dd /m "Drivername"
Here you’ll find some information of the Technet article regarding this command:
rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry [BaseParameter] [ModificationParameter1] [ModificationParameter2] [ModificationParameterN]
You can also use the following alternate syntaxes, although the examples in this topic use the previous syntax:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry [BaseParameter] [ModificationParameter1] [ModificationParameter2] [ModificationParameterN]
rundll32 printui PrintUIEntry [BaseParameter] [ModificationParameter1] [ModificationParameter2] [ModificationParameterN]
rundll32 printui,PrintUIEntry [BaseParameter] [ModificationParameter1] [ModificationParameter2] [ModificationParameterN]
There are two types of parameters: base parameters and modification parameters. Base parameters specify the function that the command is to perform. Only one of these parameters can appear in a given command line. Then, you can modify the base parameter by using one or more of the modification parameters if they are applicable to the base parameter (not all modification parameters are supported by all base parameters).
Base Parameters Description
/dl Deletes the local printer.
/dn Deletes a network printer connection.
/dd Deletes a printer driver.
/e Displays the printing preferences for a given printer.
/ga Adds a per computer printer connection (the connection is available to any user on that computer when they log on).
/ge Displays per computer printer connections on a computer.
/gd Deletes a per computer printer connection (the connection is deleted the next time a user logs on).
/ia Installs a printer driver by using an .inf file.
/id Installs a printer driver by using the Add Printer Driver Wizard.
/if Installs a printer by using an .inf file.
/ii Installs a printer by using the Add Printer wizard with an .inf file.
/il Installs a printer by using the Add Printer wizard.
/in Connects to a remote network printer.
/ip Installs a printer by using the Network Printer Installation Wizard (available from the user interface from Print Management).
/k Prints a test page on a printer.
/o Displays the queue for a printer.
To add a new remote printer, Printer1, for a computer, Client1, which is visible for the user account where this command is run, type:
rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /in /n\\client1\printer1
To add a printer using the Add Printer wizard and using an .inf file, InfFile.inf, located on drive c: at InfPath, type:
rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /ii /f c:\InfPath\InfFile.inf
To delete an existing printer, Printer1, on a computer, Client1, type:
rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /dn /n\\client1\printer1
To add a per computer printer connection, Printer2, for all users of a computer, Client2, type (the connection will be applied when a user logs on):
rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /ga /n\\client2\printer2
To delete a per computer printer connection, Printer2, for all users of a computer, Client2, type (the connection will be deleted when a user logs on):
rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /gd /n\\client2\printer2
To view the properties of the print server, PrintServer1, type:
rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /s /t1 /c\\printserver1
To view the properties of a printer, Printer3, type:
rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /p /n\\printer3
Reference: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee624057.aspx