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Need Help?

You stuck in your Microsoft 365 configuration, you want to implement new Microsoft 365 features or you need help at your computer. Here are some tutorials which might help you.

Security – 10 Tipps zu sicheren Passwörtern

Das Sicherste Kennwort benötigen Sie für Ihren Mailaccount da dort alle anderen Services zurückgesetzt werden können. Nutzen Sie

Mac OS – Repair volume and disks via command line (terminal app)

To Repair the volumes and disks via command line there are a few easy to use commands: Open

Windows – Supportscript for needed IT infos

For my job its important to get fast informations from users. Most of them are always the same.

OSX – Force shutdown of a MacBook Air or Retina

To force shutdown a MacBook without the eject Key, you can use the following keys: Command + Control

Windows – Permission commands

Here are a few useful commands to setup Windows file permissions. take ownership of a folder(including files and

OSX – OSX Installation on USB Device

If your OSX Installation won’t  start it may be important to have an USB Stick with a full

Synology – PXE Boot

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Um die PXE Option einer Synology nutzen zu können müss man folgende Schritte durchühren. Melden

OSX 10.9 – Character Viewer

With OSX Mavericks Apple completely redesigned the character viewer. You now can open it in every APP with

IOS 7 – Intelligente Postfächer

Seit IOS 7 gibt es einige neue Einstellungen die man in der Mail App machen kann. Dazu gehöhren

Windows – Powershell Command to remove/add Printers

To remove / add printers and their drivers in Microsoft Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012 via Powershell you can

OSX – Shortcuts

Here another small list of OSX Shortcuts.

OSX – Mountain Lion Time Machine backup failed

Gelegentlich wird in der Kombination Synology / Time Machine und Mountain Lion angezeigt das ein neues Backup angelegt

OSX – change Dock to 2D

to change the default view of your dock, open terminal and enter the following command: Enable 2D: defaults write

OSX – 40 Awesome tricks

OS X Lion has now been around long enough for us all to dig in and really find

OSX – Routing network traffic over specific connections

To route the network traffic over specific Network connections open the Terminal. To add a route enter the

OSX – Flush DNS Cache

To clean your DNS Cache you have to open the Terminal and enter the following command: sudo killall

OSX – See recent search in Safari 6

To see the search history in Safari 6 you only have to open Safari and press Command + L.

OSX – Shortcut to enter – leave FullScreen Appmode

To enter or leave the FullScreen mode in OSX Lion 10.7.x you only have to press Command + Control